Monday, March 30

The Residue is gone and the table clean...

This is a disturbing video, according to Omar of Arabic torture...

When I got back to the tent this afternoon, the first thing I noticed was that the table was cleaned and no remnants of ‘bird’ remained.

I found a little piece of paper on the table, on it was scribbled, “Gone hunting”...

Very few things actually ‘scare’ me, but this little slip of paper has instilled a cold fear in my heart...

This could prove to be dramatic...

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Leann said...

Oh my, I hope Omar does not have access to a gun. Perhaps he will use some sort of wire trap or trip wire? *shudder*

denny said...

Leann, that is a possibility, however, I have limited his access to such items, or at least I've tried...

Please do watch the video, actually this one and one on the •Twisted Limb• blog (which I dedicated to you). Neither is hard to watch.