Wednesday, March 4

Omar is excited today...

Omar is happy today, it has been some time since Ralphy has been over to visit and Omar truly looks forward to these moments. Albeit Omar and Ralphy get along well, Ralph being somewhat curious of Omar, and Omar constantly begging to find out how to saddle up Ralph.

I told Omar "Ralph is NOT a minature camel nor is he a strange horse, but rather a dog and a personal pet." Evidently where Omar hails from dogs seem to be missing... perhaps they were shipped to some distant place. In any case, he has yet to come to grips with the fact that Ralph nor I will tolerate him being saddled and ridden...

Omar too has noticed that Ralphy is becoming very 'aged'... no longer does he randomly romp around and jump with unabashed joy... he's become an elderly statesman who no longer seems interested in the mundane activities of family life.

Once, Omar asked me "how long before Allah takes Ralphy??" I gasped and choked a bit and told him "Ralphy is a Christian you fool!!!" I can't for the world understand how Omar thought Ralphy might be muslim... damned idiot...

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