Monday, March 30

The Residue is gone and the table clean...

This is a disturbing video, according to Omar of Arabic torture...

When I got back to the tent this afternoon, the first thing I noticed was that the table was cleaned and no remnants of ‘bird’ remained.

I found a little piece of paper on the table, on it was scribbled, “Gone hunting”...

Very few things actually ‘scare’ me, but this little slip of paper has instilled a cold fear in my heart...

This could prove to be dramatic...

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Friday, March 27

The Weekend Warrior...

Omar said he was surprised that I partook of the feast he prepared, I asked him "why is that".  He smiled and said "do you know what kind of bird that was??" I pondered that for a moment and said "No, what was it (knowing that I really didn't want the answer...".

Omar hung his head and sheepishly said " Costco Special $5.99".  I lost it... peed myself and almost collapsed... here I was expecting of course the very worst, maybe a Vulture, or a Seagull.  

I will get him back for that... trust me.

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Thursday, March 26

Not too bad, for an Arab...

I actually got brave enough to taste the 'bird' that he had roasted.

Surprisingly, it was quite good although I must admit that Omar has no idea of how to correctly use spices... I will have some suggestions for him after tasting this bird though.

He's been missing for the last day or two and of course that give bane to worry a little as Arabs and little children have a tendency to create havoc when not properly attended to.  Omar is particularly good at causing problems and rarely realizes that he did.  Clubs and anesthesia help to keep him calm though.

Hope you are all having a great day and if not... work on it !!!

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Monday, March 23

A bird by any other name...

Upon arriving back at the tent, I was surprised to see the table set with a platter in the middle of it and what appeared to be a cooked bird of some type.

I asked Omar from whence came the fowl and of course, had to explain to him the term ‘fowl’. He said “It is a delicious bird that I present to you for your tasting”.

I moved closer to the table and was actually able to recognize the fowl in question. Omar smiled and asked if I wanted to eat now or later...

Friday, March 20

Bird begone...

Well... I had a pleasant surprise after getting back to the tent today, I went to the dungeon, basically to see if anything had changed and Lo and behold, not a feather in sight.

Surprised as I was, I was even more amazed as it looked as though Omar had swept and arranged things too.

Now and again the little bugger can surprise you without the benefit of terrorizing you at the same time.

Although not home, he did leave a note saying that he might have a guest coming for dinner?????? (I truly wonder who or what that might be)

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Monday, March 16

Feathers... everywhere feathers

Oh Lord... I don't know what happened down in the dungeon, I didn't hear anything out of the ordinary, of course, with the massive wooden door closed I rarely do.

I thought I would meander down to the dungeon this afternoon after perusing some emails and chatting with my Sis.  When I opened the door, I didn't notice anything particularly out of place until I reached the bottom of the granite steps.

The view from the lamp was clear, though not bright (a lot like Omar).  What struck me was the feathers... it appears that they might be a mixture of Peacock and what looks like vulture.  I searched some and didn't find any corpse (I think that is what you call a defeathered critter).  

No blood or anything either so I have no idea from whence these feathers came nor do I know what purpose that they may have served...

I cannot wait for Omar to show up... As Desi would say, "Omar, you got some 'splainin to do".

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Saturday, March 14

Where he might have gone??

I searched the tent high and wide but no sign of Omar.  He had mentioned earlier that he had something to take care of.

I suppose I will have to clean the place myself... so difficult to get and keep good help these days.

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Sunday, March 8

Fun times should have been had here...


Omar showed me this picture that caught his interest when looking thru the ones I took while in Daytona for the races.

He asked me if this was where my son and I were staying.  I had to reply "only in my fondest dreams did I get to stay there" he gave me a bit of a stange look.  

I am not certain how much Omar knows about such places, but 'Harems' should be familiar to him...

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Wednesday, March 4

Omar is excited today...

Omar is happy today, it has been some time since Ralphy has been over to visit and Omar truly looks forward to these moments. Albeit Omar and Ralphy get along well, Ralph being somewhat curious of Omar, and Omar constantly begging to find out how to saddle up Ralph.

I told Omar "Ralph is NOT a minature camel nor is he a strange horse, but rather a dog and a personal pet." Evidently where Omar hails from dogs seem to be missing... perhaps they were shipped to some distant place. In any case, he has yet to come to grips with the fact that Ralph nor I will tolerate him being saddled and ridden...

Omar too has noticed that Ralphy is becoming very 'aged'... no longer does he randomly romp around and jump with unabashed joy... he's become an elderly statesman who no longer seems interested in the mundane activities of family life.

Once, Omar asked me "how long before Allah takes Ralphy??" I gasped and choked a bit and told him "Ralphy is a Christian you fool!!!" I can't for the world understand how Omar thought Ralphy might be muslim... damned idiot...

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Monday, March 2

The Mighty little Arab...

Well, Omar discovered that I had gotten rid of the mess in the pan and was quick to question me as to why I had flushed it.

I told him "Omar, there are certain things that I can tolerate being cooked on my stove, but when they are still moving when I see them, that is taking things a bit too far...".

He said "You do not understand the custom of my land and the dishes that we eat to sustain our customs."

I said "Customs be damned... you ain't cookin no frickin roaches in MY pot on My stove !!!" with that heated reply, he meekly retreated and I decided that perhaps I needed a beer to cool the flames.

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