Funny thing happened on the way to the forum today... That is the way some comedians have opened their acts...
For me, the humor came in the form of a diminutive Arab with a penchant for the unusual.
Today, when I returned to the tent from my deliveries, Omar wasted no time in approaching me with a request.
He asked me "I would like for you to trim my beard as it has become unruly". I thought for a moment and then asked him "when would you like me to do this for you??".
He said "I would like to have it done as soon as you can because it is not good for an Arab of my stature to look so ragged".
I said, "give me just a moment" As I turned and left the tent. I went to the shed and got a pair of electric hedge clippers and then returned to the tent.
As I entered the tent and Omar saw the hedge clippers, I swear hit eyes quadrupled in size, he lets out this horrible little scream and literally scorched the tent floor as he left the room...
I laughed so hard I pee'd myself and even now as I think of the expression on his face, I have to be careful... I can't wait till he comes back.
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