When I got back, Omar was up and watching cartoons. I went over and turned off the tube and asked "Are you going to explain about yesterday's adventure???", he then said " I was picked up by the FBI and they questioned me about my activities...", I asked him " and what exactly did you tell the FBI?". He mumbled something and then said "I tell them that I do nothing but keep up the tent and do things for you!".
I then said to him "Why in the world would the 'Federal Bureau of Investigations' want to talk to you??" He quickly stood and shook his crooked little finger at me and says "NO !!! not 'Federal Bureau of Investigation, "Full Blooded Italians".... "Oh for craps sake I said, what in the world did they want?"
He tells me that they thought he had taken some silk hankerchiefs from the local Italian restaurant... So I asked him "where in the world did they get that idea??" he told me that he and Achmed had gone there for dinner one time when Achmed was visiting (before I threw him out of the tent) and that Achmed had filched a couple of them from the waiter".
I don't know where this will all end but for now I have a headache and Omar has a sore behind...
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